Our updated privacy policy

First thank you for being a loyal subscriber to Question of Leadership.  I hope that you have found the content from my blog interesting, relevant, and practical.

I know that you are being bombarded with updated privacy statements this week.  So, I’ll keep my update simple and clear.

Here is a link to Avail Advisor’s (my company) full privacy policy.

However, as a subscriber to my blog, you may not be as interested in the entire policy as it also relates to my website, on-line courses, and other services.  So, here are the highlights that relate to you as a blog subscriber.

  1. My privacy philosophy is simple.  I treat your information the way that I’d want my information treated.
  2. Subscriptions to Brad Kolar’s Question of Leadership are administered by Feedburner.com.  Feedburner is a Google company.
  3. The only piece of personally identifiable data that I ask for is your email address so that I can send you updated posts.
  4. I do not use your email address for any other purpose than to send you new blog posts.
  5. Feedburner may collect other identifying or partially identifying information (e.g., i.p. address, location, browser, etc.) or which is subject to their (e.g., Google’s) privacy policies.  I do not download, transfer, or use any of that data.  However, I receive reports with aggregated, anonymous data regarding access to the blog posts.
  6. You can unsubscribe to the Question of Leadership at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email containing a blog post. Alternatively, you can also send an email to privacy@availadvisors.com and ask to have your name removed.  Please be sure to include the email address that is used in your subscription.

Thank you for your continued support and I hope that you continue to enjoy The Question of Leadership.




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