A simple guide for creating random groups in your meetings

The other day I needed to divide my audience into smaller groups several times within the same meeting.  The meeting leader wanted the groups to be different each time.  For the initial split, we simply counted off by the number of groups we wanted.  However, given that people were sitting in roughly the same places …

Three reasons to stop presenting so much data

On average, what percent of the content of your presentations is data?  Data include tables, charts, top/bottom lists, scorecards, or metrics.  If you are like many of my clients I’d bet your answer is around 80-90%.  If that’s the case, then you’ve got 70-80% more than you need.  Being data-driven does not mean that you …

Leadership lessons from Holocaust Survivors

Leadership Lessons from Holocaust Survivors A leader’s job is to create meaning and purpose for those around him or her.  In his book, “Man’s Search for Meaning”, Viktor Frankl speaks eloquently about the power of such meaning and purpose in a person’s life.  This book should be required reading for all leaders. Recently, I was …

Easier is not the same as easy

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day.  My friend works for a Fortune 100 company.  We were discussing some of the major changes and pressures they are facing.  Like many organizations its size, her company realizes that it must simplify.  However, as is also the case with their similar-sized peers, a …

Are your employees and customers engaged or just sensitized?

When I was younger, every summer we’d take a boat trip around Lake Michigan.  I can still remember how tedious the first week of the trip felt.  Moving along at 6-10 knots (7-11.5 miles per hour) almost felt like standing still.  By the end of the trip, however, it felt normal.  On days that we’d …

If a tree falls in the woods, does it really fall? Only if Google’s data say so.

Data are just a proxy for reality, they aren’t reality.  As more and more information is being captured, analyzed, and published, this is an important consideration for leaders.  While “management by walking around” might have been the mantra for the 80s, perhaps “data gathering by walking around” should be the theme for today. In a …

Leadership lessons from Westlake Fish House

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the grand opening of Westlake Fish House in Montauk, NY (www.westlakefishhouse.com).  What made the event even more special for me was that one of the owners of the restaurant is my brother, Larry Kolar.   I’ve always known that my brother was a great chef.  And, as many …