If you don’t have the answers, give them the questions

Lack of answers is a common problem that leaders face during times of change and uncertainty.  It’s not that they don’t want to provide answers.  They just don’t have them.  Like their people, they too are waiting for decisions to be made and solutions communicated. However, this shouldn’t be a reason to stop communicating with …

New Year’s resolutions for Leading with Big Data

The year is wrapping up and many people are looking forward to some rest, relaxation, and celebration of the holidays.  It’s also a time for reflection as we think about our resolutions for the new year.  2012 was certainly the year of Big Data.  Let’s see if we can make 2013 the year of using …

Why movies don’t start with the credits

What do movie makers, televangelists, advertising executives, infomercial producers, and even high school speech team students have in common?  They all know that the first few moments of an interaction provide the greatest opportunity and the greatest need to grab their audience’s attention.  Unfortunately for the rest of us this principle remains elusive in our …

Predicting the past

In honor of Thanksgiving, here is a re-post of an earlier entry on the dangers of historic data.————————- The City of New York is considering suing BP for losses to its pension investments. (Reuters, June 24, 2010).  They claim that BP misled them regarding safety procedures that led to the current oil spill.  Perhaps that’s …

Data didn’t win the U.S. elections, decisions did

It’s hard to read a newsfeed since the U.S. elections without reading about big data and analytics.  Nate Silver has established (or further established) himself as the king of all things data.  Obama used it well, Romney didn’t.  Case studies will be written for years about the impact that big data had on this election.  …

Gaining independence

Those of us in the U.S will be celebrating Independence Day tomorrow.  Like our founders, we all want some level of independence in our work.  But wanting independence and achieving it are two different things.  Independence doesn’t come cheap.  You can’t just ask for it.  It requires work, vision, and even sacrifice.   Fortunately, in …

Why are we so afraid of subjective data?

Data and analytics continue to dominate the agenda of most businesses.  However, somewhere along the line, we’ve become myopic in what we consider to be valid data.  In particular, I’ve noticed a backlash against “subjective” data. To some, it is the enemy of good decision making.  To others, it plays second fiddle to “real” (e.g., …

Why “dummy” lights are so smart

For several decades car dashboards have been equipped with “dummy lights”.  We rarely see these lights (except briefly when starting your engine) but they are always there ready and waiting to alert you to a problem (check engine, oil pressure, tire pressure, airbag problem).  Their less than flattering name comes from the fact that they …