Think beyond best practices

“Have you implemented this somewhere else already?” I hear this question a lot. As my friend Mark McDowell of Accenture once told me, “Most people want to be first to be second. Few want to be first.” It’s no wonder that most companies find themselves in a constant state of “catch up”. In the April, …

Miscommunication – it might just be different memories

Don’t you hate it when you painstakingly lay out your vision and expectations for a project only to have your team fall way short of your expectations? It happens to many of us and it’s frustrating. It’s frustrating for you and for your team.  Often we chalk these situations up to miscommunication. However, recent research …

If you have to make a case for change, you’ve already lost

Think about the most recent change in which you’ve been involved. Was the change itself a surprise? Was the problem that precipitated the change a surprise? Most changes occur in response to a growing problem or issue. Rarely do those changes come out of the blue. So why would we need to create a case …

Beating your targets doesn’t always produce results

Conventional wisdom says that hitting your targets is good, but beating your targets is even better. Recently, I’ve come across two examples that counter such wisdom and provide a good reminder that targets and metrics have to be understood within a broader context. The first example is personal. I recently joined a health club. I …

Change management – different context, not a different discipline

Change management is a hot topic in many organizations. People are seeking workshops, books, and anything they can get their hands on to learn how to manage change. But, I think that we might be approaching this wrong. By treating change management as a unique discipline, we create more tools, models, and frameworks for leaders …

Man’s Search for Meaning: When Theory Meets Practice

In my workshops and in my blog, I often talk about Viktor Frankl and his book, “Man’s Search for Meaning.” This book should be required reading for all leaders. A leader’s job is to create meaning and purpose for those around him or her. Frankl speaks eloquently about the power of such meaning and purpose …