Leadership, innovation, and your brain – Can they work together?

Recently I was interviewed by Steve Shapiro, the Chief Innovation Evangelist for InnoCentive, a leader in the area of Open Innovation. Steve and I talked about innovation, leadership and how our brain can help and hurt both of those. Follow this link for the full interview: http://www.steveshapiro.com/2010/03/10/podcast-on-the-brain-advantage/

Help! Looking for input on my company’s “tag line”

I’m taking time out from a regular post to solicit your help. I am trying to come up with a new tag line for my business. Based on some initial feedback, I’ve narrowed it to two: A. Your next answer might be a new questionB. The answer you need is a better question I’m interested …

What’s your performance management score?

How well are you managing performance? Are you focused in the right areas? Are you working with the right people? Are you doing the right things? Take this quick quiz. 1. Divide a piece of paper in half and consider the following scenario: You have just been assigned a major project. It has high visibility, …

So when are you going to do it?

Nearly ten years ago, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton wrote the book, The Knowing Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action. A decade later, their ideas still resonate as companies struggle to execute. But I’ve seen another gap emerge, one that complements the Knowing Doing gap. This new gap is the Committing Doing …

Performance management versus managing performance

Do you “do” performance management or do you manage performance? What’s the difference? Many leaders think of these as synonyms, but they aren’t. Performance management is a formal HR process. Over time, the performance management process and its associated outputs have been co-opted, combined with, and re- purposed for many other HR processes (e.g,. succession …

Experts don’t always make the best leaders

This is a reposting of an old entry. I think it’s relevant to bring back. I continue to see organizations wrestle with the question of how to make their “leaders” into leaders. The answer is simple. Don’t try to make someone into something they are not. Promote people into leadership positions based on their ability …

Nothing new under the sun

The January 18 issue of Newsweek has an interesting article, “Your Brain Online” written by Sharon Begley. The article provides answers to the question,” How is the Internet changing the way you think?” which was recently asked of 109 philosophers, neurobiologists, and scholars on http://www.edge.org/. Her summary is that while the internet and information revolution …

Lessons from The Boss on being the boss

I’m a long time Springsteen fan. Over the holidays, I read Dave Marsh’s book, “Two Hearts” which is a biography of Bruce through 2003. This book left quite an impression on me. That impression wasn’t about Bruce’s musical ability. I already knew he was one of the greatest musicians of the last few generations. It …