2010 New Year’s Resolutions for Leaders

I will communicate a compelling vision for what we are trying to accomplish. I will translate that vision into a unique and compelling story for each person who is responsible for fulfilling it. I will hold people accountable for helping to realize that vision. I will help my people achieve things that they never dreamt …

What shoveling snow can tell us about leadership

Winter has definitely arrived across the country. People from coast to coast are digging out of some hefty snow. As my dogs and I try to navigate around my subdivision, I’ve noticed four types of snow shoveling strategies. Interestingly, these strategies line up very well with four different types of leadership. What snow?The first type …

Hot Potato: Great kid’s game, but a bad leadership strategy

Who are the “hot potatoes” in your organization? You know – the people who no longer are performing but have not been told. Instead, they just get passed along from department to department. We all have them. Having difficult conversations is hard, especially when they involve someone’s performance. Despite this, not confronting poor performers is …

Leading in the passive voice isn’t leading at all

I recently heard a wonderful poem by Jack Riemer. I was struck at how well it captures the essence of leadership and personal accountability. We cannot merely pray to end war;For the world was made in such a wayThat we must find our own path of peaceWithin ourselves and with our neighbor. We cannot merely …

Don’t discard your biases and “gut”, just change the way that you use them

Data-driven decision-making or gut-level decision-making, which is the answer? The pendulum has swung way over to data-driven. But isn’t your personal experience and judgment what got you to where you are? Your value as a leader comes from your experiences and judgments. If organizations could codify every decision into a predictable formula, leaders would be …

You don’t have the time to “not have time”

I don’t know if it’s an excuse or a misperception, but lately I’ve been hearing that people don’t have time to follow sound business practices. There is no time to plan, to get people’s buy-in to change, or to think critically about the business. Execution is the name of the game. Most people agree that …

Do auto dealers read the same newspapers and books as the rest of us?

I don’t think so. In the past two months I have purchased or been involved in the purchase of three new cars. It seems like auto dealers operate (or at least think they operate) in a dimension where basic principles of consumer behavior do not exist. For an industry that is reported to be struggling, …