It’s lonely at the top – and people are always yelling at you

I learned many things as an executive at the University of Chicago Medical Center. One of the most important lessons was that senior executives don’t like getting emails or phone calls from irate customers. I received my fair share of forwarded emails with a simple two word introduction: “Fix this.”It’s not that these executives don’t …

Playing to win – What high school wrestling can teach us about business success

The other day, while standing in front of the mirror, I realized something scary. My criteria for success has changed. I used to ask myself whether I looked good. Now I ask myself whether I don’t look too bad. I’m not sure exactly when this changed but it did.  I changed my focus from “winning” …

Critical thinking is essential during execution

I recently gave a talk on critical thinking. One audience member firmly asserted that critical thinking is fine during planning when you have time. However, he said, it has no place during execution. His case in point, the Army. You can’t have soldiers thinking about their mission. They just need to execute their orders. I …

Forget social media. There’s a more powerful way to encourage collaboration.

I was involved in an interesting discussion today. The group was trying to determine how to be more effective at driving collaboration in their organizations. This discussion has been going on for a long time. The emergence of social media has rekindled it by providing a new arsenal of tools from which to draw. But …

There’s a new blog in town – I recommend it to all leaders

As a leader, you’ve probably been bombarded with six sigma and lean. Should you do it? How do you do it? Does it make sense in a non-manufacturing setting?Jim Wells, a Master Blackbelt in Six Sigma, is sharing his experience in a great new blog called, “Quality in Practice”. This blog isn’t about theory. This …

Managers provide process, Leaders provide content

Do you ever notice how meetings that begin as a discussion about a particular issue, quickly devolve into a debate about the right process for discussing the issue. Typically, at the end of such meetings, there is no consensus on a process, or more importantly, a solution for fixing the issue.Sometimes this happens overtly – …

Are you asking the right questions?

What are the three most important questions you use to determine whether you are being successful? If you are like many people, your answer might be:1. Am I adding value?2. Am I focused on the right things?3. Am I meeting my customer’s needs?Those seem reasonable but they are the wrong questions. More importantly, they are …

Promote leaders, don’t try to build them

I commonly get asked how to teach “leaders” to be leaders. My answer is always the same. Don’t. You can certainly hone and refine a person’s leadership skills. But, if a person is responsible for leading others and doesn’t already have basic leadership skills, it’s too late. Why do some many companies put unqualified people …