Avoiding job cuts – make yourself indispensable

Yesterday, according to the New York Times(1), organizations around the world announced over 75,000 job cuts. How do you stay relevant? Today’s post is a reprint from last year*. Since writing this, I have continually referred back to it in conversations. It seems to be more relevant today than a year ago. The purpose of …

Hitting your targets without reaching your goals is bad business

I went to a convenience care clinic yesterday. My regular doctor was on vacation and I thought that I might have strep throat. As I sat in the examining room something struck me. It was the word “EXCELLENT”. It was everywhere. One sign read: EXCELLENT SERVICEOur goal is to provide you with EXCELLENT service.Please let …

When equal isn’t fair

Do you treat your people equally? Do they want to be treated equally? Conventional wisdom might say they do. But I’m not so sure. I think that people want to be treated fairly and often that means treating them differently. In “Getting to Yes”, Roger Fisher tells a story that illustrates the difference between equality, …

Are you hitting your targets but missing your goals?

Take a look at your process metrics. Are you using any mean scores? If so, you might be missing performance problems. More importantly, you are reducing your ability to make decisions and take action. For example, suppose that your help desk has a goal of getting issues resolved within 90 seconds. It resolves resolving half …