In the information age, is scope still a good proxy for impact?

A friend of mine recently received feedback that if he ever wanted to be seen as successful he needed to take on more responsibility. Otherwise, he could never have enough impact to compete with his peers. I hear this argument made a lot. There is a bias that unless you supervise a large group of …

Goals should be about more than just doing the job well

What if I told you that my personal goals for the year were: Maintain a healthy weight Don’t bounce any checks Buy groceries once a week Wake up on time each morning Be a good parent My guess is that you’d be pretty underwhelmed. These don’ t sound like goals do they? They sound more …

Questions that create focus and clarity for your team

The power of focus is amazing. Focus and concentrate light and get a laser that can cut through steel. Focus your body and movement and you can break a board with your hand. The same holds true for teams. A well-focused team creates more power and impact for your organization. Goals and KPIs are an …

Creating an environment of open communication

Many leaders want to create an environment of open communication. Open communication is important for an organization. It ensures that problems and issues get raised, and more importantly solved, in constructive ways. The secret to creating such an environment isn’t communication at all. It’s something more fundamental. If you want an open environment, you must …

What it says isn’t what it means

NPR recently broadcast a story about how people across the country are reacting to the growing economic problems we face. One expert talked about a recent survey. He made a comment that interested me. I don’t recall the exact figures (they aren’t actually that critical for this post), but the comment went something like this: …